Zion minister

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Pastor Claudius Olanrewaju standing and smiling

Luke 14:28-30. Prov 6:6-8, Prov 17:14

Luke 14:28-30. Prov 6:6-8, Prov 17:14


It was a direct statement that came from the month of our Lord Jesus Christ in (Luke 14:28-30) that anyone that want to build a tower that did not undertake proper planning, that people shall muck him and saying, this man began to build and was not able to finish.

Great revelation from the lord is in a moment but to actualize it take a very long range planning. Many failed woefully in life not because of the demonic manipulation or attack alone but majorly due to lack of planning. Whenever preparation meet opportunity success is inevitable.

i.          What is planning?

ii.         Ingredients of planning

iii.        Benefits of planning

1.       What is planning?

Planning- is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is first and foremost activities or roles to achieve desired result.

No wonder God created legit first and he created man last.

I am of opinion that both prayers and planning play a vital roles for the achievement of your dream. i.e. prayer does not replace planning and planning cannot replace praying.


Biblical examples of a good planner:

Noah was given a plan for the ark – Exodus 6:14-16

Solomon had a plan for the tabernacle – exodus 36-40.

God even had detailed plan regarding offerings from people (Leviticus 1-9) why? to avoid disorderliness. Did you have any plan in order to actualize your dream in life?

Warning: it’s never a sin to plan with God in view



By ingredients I mean all the factors, elements that must involved to facilitate successful plan:

Ø  Tarry in secret place: (ps 91:1) Isaiah 40:31

“he that dwelled in secret place?!.

Your sincerity in secret place will determine your success in the public place.

Ø  Proper counsel – Prov 11:14, 1 chronicles 12:32

Where there is no counsel, the people fall.

David knows how to make enquire from the Lord, sons of Issachar gave light to the whole of Israel.

Ø  The Bible  (Ps 199:106)

Inspiration of the holy- sprit can change the status of any man through the light of the work that illuminates your mind

Ø  Spiritual & provisional mentors

Both spiritual and provisional mentor can play major roles to activate our mode of planning.

Ø  Powerful information: Machai 2:6.

Information always brings reformation.

The power of good books can never be over emphasized. When we open our mind to knowledge it can save us of deadly or dangerous step but draw us to a good plan.



Ø  It saves us of avoidable stress in all our undertaking in life Ecc 10:11

Ø  It shows God’s wisdom in man-Prov 6:6-8

Ø  It helps greatly in making godly/timely decision. Lk 14:31-32.

Ø  It helps greatly in time of preparation for a powerful manifestation – Prov 22:29

Ø  Proper planning guaranties huge success and help us to finishing strong Luke 14:28-30.


mind people desire facts and heart people desire importation, both must be image through good planning for the achievement of our life dreams. Always remember that prior proper planning prevent poor performance. Always dig your well before you become thirsty.

God bless you.

C.A Olanrewaju