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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Keys that open door of happy family

Two hand with love symbol in the middle

Keys that open door of happy family

TEXT : Eph. 5:25; Gen. 2:18-23

A young man prayed earnestly to God to give him a good wife because he had the dream of building a godly home. He was led by Holy Spirit to a girl in the Church. After careful examination, interview and prayer, he approached her with concept of their Pastor and they agreed to Marry each other. But their parents didn't agree and raised lots of objection on the ground of educational, disparity, tribal differences and selfish reasons. Because of their agreement in consonant with the will of God. The parent later agreed and they got married in a low key wedding celebration. Initially, there had been a lot of challenges, but they resolve to stick together. They suffered physically, financially and martially together. They lost two kid in infancy. They weather the storms of life together. Today, that marriage has become a model to many young couples in the society. It is possible due to their determination to make a success of their marriage and they keep learning, growing and adjusting.

1. What Is Happy Family?

2. Meaning of keys

3. 11 keys that open a door of happy family


What Is Happy family?

A happy family is produced when two hearts are joined in true love, and they allow peace, love, joy, acceptance and harmony to reign supreme in their family.

Meaning Of Keys

Its a pieces of metal shaped with incisions cut to fit the ward of a particular lock or each of several button on a panel of a device which is inserted to lock or open something. It is a system used to achieve or understand something. They may be hidden and unseen, yet they are crucial to the happiness of any family structure.


11 Keys that open door of happy family

A happy family must be built upon definite pillars. If you know and live by them, then you can have a healthy home.

1. Unconditional love for each other (Eph. 5:25)

True love is an act of will, the willful decision to love, support and be with the other, despite of weakness, faults, mistakes and demerits. You must show love to spouse-time, treasure, talent. True love is not selfish.

2. Jesus must be the lord of the home (Gen. 2:18)

Happy family can only be possible if the couple are genuinely regenerated and accept the lordship of Jesus in their home. A sinful, unsaved and wicked husband or wife cannot build a truly healthy home. This is the foundation of marital trouble in the world today. Why should believer marry infidel? Is it, because of money? NO

3. Be alive to your responsibility (Eph. 5:25)

The man and woman have different responsibility in the home. The husband must lovingly lead, love, and provide, physically, materially, financially and spiritual, in the home. The wife is to be obedience, submissive and support, the husband.

4. Study and understand each other and adjust (Amos. 3:3)

Everyman and woman is a book, if you know how to read. A happy family will be possible if the couple take time to study and understand the likes and dislike of each other. Whenever mistakes and offences comes you can quickly settle them amicably. Never pile up offences and unresolved conflicts.

5. Don't allow extended family to rule your home (Gen. 2:24)

Don't be a baby wife or husband. In marriage two is a team and three is a crowd. Your extended family must not be allowed to control and dictate your marriage or home. Parent must be only adviser and admire, they should not dictate.

6. Adjust sexually to each other (Heb. 13:4)

Pre-marital and extra-marital sex must never be allowed in your marriage. Avoid infidelity of any kind. Be sexually faithful to your spouse. Once you married, the only person that should see your nakedness is your spouse. Sexual intercourse must be practiced regularly within marriage. Husband must not abuse the wife neither the wife use sex as instrument of punishment. Research shows that men are stronger than women sexually. Warning : This is a non-negotiable key to happy family.

7. Family finance

Couples are one, money should not divide them. There must be opens and transparency in the handling of money in the home. There must be a stable source of income from both side. Money should be wisely spend, save and invested. Let no man go to marriage if you don't have a tangible source of income because marriage is a huge responsibility. They must give to family, God and needy.

8. Plan your family upbringing (Ps 127:1-2)

A happy family is open with the key of good family planning. Couples must plan how many children they are going to have and which they can adequately cater for. Children must nurture in the way of God. Parents must jointly train up their children by instructions, training, discipline and prayers. There must be one voice, pampering your children over grave mistake will ruin and destroy them and you.

9. Learn how to handle / solve your problems together

Life is not a bed of roses, problems are inevitable in marriage: Childlessness, poverty, diseases, in-law, finance e.t.c. Know that it can be solved through prayer, patience and total reliance on God. 

10. Pray and intercede for each other (Matt. 18:19)

Couple must pray fervently for each other and for their family on regular basis. Happy family will be a wishful thinking at neglecting family alter. Do you have a family alter?

11. Help and assist each other to grow

The progress of one must be consuming passion of the other. They must uplift and assist each other to grow and progress in life. Happy family will never compete but complement each other.


It is when you adopt, adapt, adjust and adhere to these pillars that you can really have a healthy home that will give you peace of mind. When you are unwilling to act by these keys, then, you are not inviting a happy family. If you apply these keys, it shall be huge benefit to your family


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