Zion minister

We are the Channel of the Word to the world

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Pastor C.A Olanrewaju


Marriage is a life long union with different stages. Marriage experts have agreed that there are seven main stages of marriage. How long these stages last depend on the couple themselves, situation and circumstances.

Stage  1: The Time of fervent love:
When two people fall in love, they are blind to each other’s short comings or faults. They are ready to sacrifice anything for each other. They don’t want to offend each other. They always want to be with each other.

Stage 2: Time of Reality
The couples get married and as they start to settle down, the reality starts to down on them. They see each other true colour. In this time they are re to disagree to agree.

Stage 3: Time of stress:
This is the most difficult stage in marriage. The wife has not found out that she is not the super human she  likewise the man. Children can be added to the family. The stress may be compounded if the economy of family is not buoyant enough . the couple need to be diligent and plan very well to overcome this time.

Stage 4: Time of regret:
Couples may start to doubt each other. The lady/man may start to think of other men/woman who could have marry them.
The solution is not regretting, but facing the reality. The other man or the other lady could be worse.

Stage 5: Time of withdrawal:
The problem of children, economic reality and other external factors always comes in. the woman is pre-occupied with their children, the man is busy thinking how to make ends meet. If care is not taken, they talk and behave as if they are casual friends.

Stage 6: Stage of Total sacrifice:
They can now trust each other absolutely. They are now ready to live with each others  short coming. In fact, they are now ready to achieve their goals. They put their children first before considering any other responsibility.

Stage 7: Stage of fervent love: Ps.127:4-5
All children are grown up and are on their own. The couple starts to enjoy the fruit of their labour. The children take care of them. They help look after their ground children. If they live long to stage seven, the moment one dies, the other finds no joy in anything any more.
So, you can see that life is a circle, marriage is also a circle. You should make the best of your marriage.

See your family at the top
Happy Family Sunday.

Author Pastor C.A Olanrewaju
Date:   30th of June, 2019