Zion minister

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Christian bridal shower Speech

Christian bridal shower Speech

We are all indebted to our all sufficient God to appreciate His constant faithfulness by which He has kept his covenant of grace, peace, provision and protection over the youths, leadership of this church and the entire member of this district. We give thank to our Covenant keeping God for all things.

On behalf of the event organizer. I Sincerely welcome you all to a night of Fun with our  dearly sister Jessica Blessing.

It’s necessary to note that, the purpose of this event is to appreciate God in the life of the celebrants for making them not to be wipes away by the lustful spirit and waywardness of this end time by devil to destroy the glory and cage the destiny of many youth. May God Continue to uphold you as you are moving into your new home. Amen

Secondly to Orient the celebrants on some likely event that may occur in her new home which some marriage counselor forget or neglect during the counseling.

And lastly, it’s our doing to use this gathering to challenge, inspire, motivate and encourage other youth that, if today celebrant can make it that far, it’s very possible for them also to  wait for the right time for them to  be celebrated like this by submit their will to divine will of God, acquitted with God, leave a focus life style, obedience and teachable, self control and development, integrity and diligence in their work, avoid corrupt association and wrong believe as some denomination sees nothing wrong with premarital sex and pregnancy before marriage which is totally against the Bible and our own church doctrine. As for ladies I want you to know that  dressing without trouser, cortex and boob short will always makes you looks humble controllable and responsible in the  sight of every men that sees you. Research shows that, A guy who wants you to party hard every weekend, expose your bosom, wear skimpy clothes, flashy makeup and getting down with 3 bottles of beer while he is on 5, he will NEVER marry you! A guy who talks dirty and wants sex everywhere with you when he is not yet married to you will see you as a bed machine when the time for marriage eventually comes.

Have you ever wondered why some of these guys go for the 'timid' and 'local' looking girls when it comes to marriage but dump the sexy, sassy and gorgeous looking ones? A man wants more than beauty for marriage! Those boobs you are flaunting everywhere will eventually sag someday so invest on yourself! A man really wants a place he can call home, he wants a woman who is modest and can take care of his children and parents, one with whom the children can confide in, the one he can take major decisions with and tell all his fears. He wants a wife, mother and sister all in one.

I'm not saying that looking good is bad. In fact looking good is good business, but you have got to look beyond that and pay more attention to spiritual things that keep a home. If you truly want to attract a decent man, please be decent and do not let any man use you to pass time! At the same time don't settle for a guy who is not God fearing, don't even think of marrying a guy who is not having the holy spirit in him. No matter how much money he has spent on you, no matter how much he has.

Don't even dream of being engaged to him if he's not closer to God. And as for brothers, dressing up with crazy trouser, sagging, earring, dread lock, hair pleating  will makes you looks like nothing but crazy, and irresponsible because it’s only a Crazy man that use a Crazy things.

A  Zion sister will only looks beautiful in the  face of a Zion brother and a  sodomite brother will only looks handsome in the eyes of a sodomite sister. A Zion sister will never be approach by a brother that will destroy her glory, but always be approach by a brother who will crown her glory and elevate her destiny. So the kind of people that approaches you or that you feel approaching determine the kinds of person you are. This is the plain truth.  Eph 5:3 said. But Fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints,

Likewise 2 Timothy 2:21-22 said. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the letter; he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the master prepared for every good work. Flee also youthful lusts: but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on Lord out of a pure heart.
It’s my joy seeing youth like this, wait for the right time.
Once again, I welcome you all into this glorious gathering.
Thanks and God bless.

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