Zion minister

We are the Channel of the Word to the world

Tuesday, September 17, 2019



1.  Jael and Sisera Judg. 4:17-22.
2.  Eglon and Ehud Judg. 3:15-25.
3.  Jehu and the Baal prophets II Kings 10:18-28.

The above examples are enough to learn from. These are they who say one thing and do another. Think of the man who escaped from the battle field and took shelter in the house of his friend and needed protection. This woman assured this great warrior of his safety; while this tired man was fast asleep thinking he was safe; it was then this woman killed him Judg. 4:17-22.


Micah 7:5: Don't trust anyone-- not even your best friend or even your wife!

I Kings 13:11-14: As it happened, there was an old prophet living in Bethel, and his sons came home and told him what the man of God had done in Bethel that day. They also told their father what the man had said to the king. vs. 12 The old prophet asked them, "Which way did he go?" So they showed their father which road the man of God had taken. vs. 13 "Quick, saddle the donkey," the old man said. So they saddled the donkey for him, and he mounted it. vs. 14 Then he rode after the man of God and found him sitting under a great tree. The old prophet asked him, "Are you the man of God who came from Judah?" "Yes, I am," he replied.


A.   The quiet people in meetings. 

These are the people who only attend to catch your word to be used against you.

B.   The questioners. 

These are the kind of people who use useless questions to get facts from you. As they demand more explanation from you.

C. The people's representative. 

These are the kinds of people who always come up as defending the common people in the church to cause confusion in your administration.

D. The fault-finders. 

These are people with eagle eyes who will always locate problems and the things that are not rightly done.

E. The confrontational. 

These are the bold ones; what others are presenting carefully, they say it boldly without fear, not minding the consequences and even to provoke you.

F.   The professional liars. 

These kinds of people could set a city on fire. They speak without conscience, they easily separate friends and cause confusion in the church; saying things they cannot prove.

G. The talker, not the doer. 

These ones can suggest many good points on how the church can move forward but they cannot be available to put it in practice.

H. The gossipers and crafty ones.

These are the people who will take sensitive issues home to discuss with church members and with women especially, proving to them that he is their representative and their defender.

We live in an unstable world, where men change constantly; men of integrity are becoming scarce in our generation. Men of double tongues are common. These are people who say one thing and practice another. Decisions taken together in meetings can no longer be trusted until they are implemented, as these people can easily changed without informing you.


Shifting blames or accusing people under your administration for wrong decision cannot help you. No matter how dubious your followers are, the final decision still lies on you. Never shift your responsibilities to others. A leader that apologized to people after decision are taken secretly to prove his innocence has betrayed his trust.

All the above listed kinds of people are they that ruined organizations and administration. Be watchful and if you cannot do away with such people, give them no room to destroy your administration.

As leaders of God's people, we must know that we shall be responsible for every decision taken in our organization.

The second man Ehud even lied with the name of the Lord; telling the king he has a message from the Lord and this innocent king trembled at the word of the Lord, he sent all his men out to hear what God has to say, only to meet his untimely death Judg. 3:15-25.

Jehu equally deceived the Baal prophets and killed them all at last. It is true that the hand of the Lord may be behind all these stories but they are there to teach us lessons II Kings 10:18-28


1.  Rumours will ruin your organization if you pay attention to them.

2. Surround yourself with faithful men, not gossipers who always come to poison your mind concerning others.

3. Once you embrace liars, backbiters whisperers you will discourage honest men from coming to you.

4. Beware of men who will come to have secret meeting with you concerning the main meeting, we may also call it meeting before meeting; when others who trusted you get to know about such meetings, they may begin to lose confidence in you.

5. Beware of those who use to mount pressure on you to do their wish. You may regret your action later and such people may damage your organization.

6. Never betray the confidence or trust others have in you. Especially when others confide in you, bridle your tongue and discipline yourself.

7. Control your temper; treat your followers as responsible human beings. Respect them and give them their due respect.

God bless you all. Thanks