Pastor Claudius Olanrewaju
Keys To a Successful Marriage/Christian youth
Marriage choice for christian youth;
Marriage is the oldest institution of human race. Marriage
is God’s idea not or human philosophy that facilitate it. Marriage is the older
than religion or human government. Frankly speaking, God’s ultimate intention
for marriage is always good and positive. Many eligible bachelors and spinsters
today have good jobs, live in beautiful and comfortable houses, with good
degrees, in fact, they are well –to-do. Behold they fail woefully in marriage
due to their wrong choices of life partners in marriage. No wonder George
Turett said, ‘’To know the will of God is the greatest knowledge, to do the
will of God is the greatest achievement’’ for one to chose the right marriage
partner there are some principles that should be properly followed for one not
to live a regrettable life in marriage.
Heb. 13:4, Genesis 2:18, Exo. 4:9-10, Prov. 18:22, Ecc.
3:1-2, Prov. 15:15-18 I.
Choose; to
select one from thing rather than another Partner; either member of a married
or non-married couple Right- (adj) correct, true, just or good; appropriate
that fit a particular situational event; like marriage.
Abuses are inevitable when the purpose is not understood.
Misunderstood of purpose of marriage has caused many youth to make a wrong choice
of partner for marriage.
1. To banish loneliness (gen.
2:18) ‘’Loneliness’’ says Richard l. stratus, is incompleteness, lack of
personal companion, lack of opportunity to share your felling with someone who
understands-some one with whom you can enjoy a mutual commitment and trust
2. To meet sexual needs (I
cor. 7:9) Every normal person in live has a sexual drive. God established
marriage to meet man’s sexual needs and prevent the social disorders and
tragedies that sexual indiscipline can cause.
3. For procreation (gen.
1:27-28) Adam and Eve were created not to born. God use marriage for
procreation through man and woman.
Waiting is the school of winners. You need to wait for
genuine clearance. Countless of marriages without convincing testimonies.
Impatience is a sign of immaturity. Hasty leads to regret. Waiting will enable
you to know the strength and weakness of your partner Note: Thought it is not
easy to pass through the University of Patience, but it is better to be
patience than to latter be in pains
(1.) By the word of God- Psalms 119, 105, Matt.22:29 The
word of God is the only directional peg that points to the right direction,
care fully study of word will help you to have right life partners.
(2.) By direct revelation:- through the following
(a) Dream: Job 33:14-30
(b) Vision:- Acts 9:10-6
(c) Angelic visitation
(d) Prophesy Acts 11:28
(e) Audible voice 1sam 9:15
(a) Dream: Job 33:14-30
(b) Vision:- Acts 9:10-6
(c) Angelic visitation
(d) Prophesy Acts 11:28
(e) Audible voice 1sam 9:15
(3) Inner voice john 10:3-5
(4) Guidance of spirit- filled and wise counselor Heb.13:7,Prov20:18
(5) The leading of the Holy Spirit John 14:26
(6) Love and real prayers.
(4) Guidance of spirit- filled and wise counselor Heb.13:7,Prov20:18
(5) The leading of the Holy Spirit John 14:26
(6) Love and real prayers.
NOTE: Out of above
guidance word of God is best and more reliable to choice right life partner
(1) Don’t marry an unbeliever 1 Cor. 12:13
(2) Don’t marry a stranger James 4:18
(3) Don’t marry someone you don’t love
(4) Don’t marry someone you cannot trust
(5) Don’t marry someone you cannot be proud of
(6) Don’t marry someone you cannot agree with
(7) Don’t marry someone you cannot respect
(8) He / She that has television but no vision
(9) He / She that has car but no carrier
(10) Man / Lady that causes fear in you
(11) Man/Lady that can’t honor your virginity
(12) He / She that can’t add to you
(13) A chameleonic man/lady
(14) He / She that can’t keep his/her secret with you
(15) He / She who cannot forgive/forget your past
(16) He / She that dictatorship after prosperity
(17) Material money oriented
(18) He / she who is too expensive
(19) He / she can't control his / her temper
(20) He / she who is too lazy
(21) He / she without integrity
(22) He / she who parents don't like you
(23) He / she with rigid philosophy
(2) Don’t marry a stranger James 4:18
(3) Don’t marry someone you don’t love
(4) Don’t marry someone you cannot trust
(5) Don’t marry someone you cannot be proud of
(6) Don’t marry someone you cannot agree with
(7) Don’t marry someone you cannot respect
(8) He / She that has television but no vision
(9) He / She that has car but no carrier
(10) Man / Lady that causes fear in you
(11) Man/Lady that can’t honor your virginity
(12) He / She that can’t add to you
(13) A chameleonic man/lady
(14) He / She that can’t keep his/her secret with you
(15) He / She who cannot forgive/forget your past
(16) He / She that dictatorship after prosperity
(17) Material money oriented
(18) He / she who is too expensive
(19) He / she can't control his / her temper
(20) He / she who is too lazy
(21) He / she without integrity
(22) He / she who parents don't like you
(23) He / she with rigid philosophy