Zion minister

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Saturday, February 2, 2019





spiritual health check up is what we do to make sure we are on the right path of faith and to keep our spiritual status healthy. 1 Corinthians 16;13 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.for one to stay healthy spiritually he / she needs spiritual exercise


After being born again, one thing someone must not overlook is spiritual exercise Spiritual exercise is now a neglected activity in many Christians lives today.


Spiritual exercise;- means the combination of fasting and prayer, praise and worship, and meditating the word of God time to time to do according to all that is written therein in order to develop our inner man spiritually, filled up with the holy spirit, accelerates the speed of success and keep the fire on our alter burning Ephesians 6:13. It is an avenue to ask, seek, and knock and receive.

Spiritual exercise is a act by which the human spirit seeks out the spirit of God to intervene in the affairs of human lives. This exercise has become an abandoned activity in many Christian lives, it is because many believers are not fervent in the spiritual exercise and that why we cannot worship the lord in an acceptable way, the hope of success for anyone that abandoned spiritual exercise may be a mirage, and the inner man of such persons will not grow but empty. The word empty here is a very dangerous state for every Christian the gospel of Matthew make us understand that “WHEN THE UNCLEAN SPIRIT IS GONE OUT OF A MAN, HE WALKETH THROUGH DRY PLACES, SEEKING, REST AND FINDETH NONE. THEN HE SAITH, I WILL RETURN INTO MY HOUSE FROM WHENCE I CAME OUT; AND WHEN HE IS COME, HE FINDETH IT EMPTY, SWEPT AND GARNISHED. THEN GOETH HE, AND TAKETH WITH HIMSELF SEVEN OTHER SPIRIT MORE WICKED THAN HIMSELF, AND THEY ENTER IN AND DWELL THERE AND THE LAST STATE OF THAT MAN IS WORSE THAN THE FIRST. EVEN SO SHALL IT BE ALSO UNTO THIS WICKED GENERATION.” Matthew12:43-45.  If your heart is not filled up with the Holy Spirit the above scriptural texts may come to pass and such person will definitely loose authority over devil and the work of flesh will begin to manifest in his or her life. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying, murders, drunkenness, rebelling, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21

One of the secret of Jesus success in his earthly assignment is personal spiritual exercise; he goes from mountain to mountain, wilderness to wilderness to fast and pray. And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. Mark 6:46 
And he withdrew himself into wilderness, and prayed. Luke 5:16. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Luke 22:44




12 reasons why we should pray


1)    Watch and pray always (Luke 21:36)

2)    To honor God

3)    To make our need know unto the lord

4)    For us not to fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41)

5)    For the forgiveness of our sins

6)    If you don’t ask God may not give

7)    God intervention come down when we pray (2corinthians 4:4)

8)    It build our confidence (Matthew 8:18)

9)    To create deep relationship with God

10)                       The more we pray the more God appear to us

11)                       To change situation and circumstance  

12)                       To make Christ intervene on our behave



5 people that we need to pray for


1)    For ourselves and family  (1chronicles 4;10)

2)    For one another (James 5:16)

3)    For those in the bondage of sin (1John 5:10)

4)    For the church (2thessalonian 3:1-2)

5)    For the sick and distraught (James 5:14-15)



3 important times to Pray


1)    Early in the morning. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed Mark 1:35

2)    Every night. And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12

3)    Before taken any decision. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6


Best time for spiritual exercise.


The best time to carryout spiritual exercise is in the early morning. Why because you just wake up from the bed, your body has not been stress up, you’re better concentrated, no distraction, nobody is visiting you at this time, the environment are still quiet, business activities has not been carryout at this period because most people are still sleeping.

Jesus Christ often pray in the morning because is the best hour to talk to God. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into solitary place there prayed (Mark 1:35). People that are waiting on the lord at this hour of the day are view, most people used that hour to setup their day while only view use the same hour to setup their day in the spirit ream because the view numbers of people talking to God at this period the chance of getting quick answer to your prayer is very high.


6 benefits of Constance spiritual exercise.


1)    It causes heaven to open.

2)    It brings presence of God.

3)    It bring quick answer to prayer (Matthew 17:21).

4)    You become danger to devil and his kingdom.

5)    It brings cordial relationship between man and God.

6)    It builds your faith in God.


Why many Christians are running away from spiritual exercise.


1)    Laziness.

2)    Lack of importance of spiritual exercise.

3)    Looking for instant miracles.

4)    Wrong doctrine.

5)    Some don’t know what the scripture said about spiritual exercise.


Our lord Jesus Christ is a perfect example of those who engage in deep constant spiritual exercise, he fast and pray and study the words throughout his lifetime in preparation for just three and halve years assignment and crowded it with forty days fasting and prayer and study the word of God, that give him the synergy to succeed when devil came to tempt him. David (the man after God heart) always used praise and worship to seek the face of the Lord for forgiveness of sin and appreciate his majesty for the goodness and mercy. The Israelite studies the word of God deeply with Ezra the priest from early morning till midday. (Nehemiah 8:2-3) The words of God are prunes and shape one's life. Samson didn't engaged in spiritual exercise until he was captured by philistine through Delilah it was then he know the importance of spiritual exercise as the only way to possess his loss virtue in order to overcome the philistine. Judges 16:28-30 When king Ahab and his wife (Jezebel) wanted to kill Naboth because of his inherited property's, Naboth begin to lament here and there instead of engaged himself into deep spiritual exercise that could serve as protection over his life and possession, though God later revenge for him "after his death" 1king 21:7-23.



10 effects of lacking spiritual exercise of lack of spiritual health check up

1)    The grace of God will never sufficient for their lives (Rome 6:1).

2)    Lack of peace / Deep fear of evil will over rule them, they will always have the feeling that something bad will happen to them. If they continue bypassing the exercise their thought may come to pass.

3)    They will lost their faith in God, their purpose of living will shatter and left in tatters, they will feel empty, angry, confused, alienated and full of anxiety.

4)    Their safety is no more guarantee (proverb1:33).

5)    They will not be able to exercise authority over evil and their oppressors.

6)    Devil will replace their hope with disappointment, failure and suffering.

7)    They will leave a futureless life; devil will stand at each junction of their prosperities.

8)    They postponed it to the hardest period. (Ecclesiastes12:1).

9)    It causes poverty. (Proverb 24:33-34)

10)                       The of hope of eternity is not guarantee 



Abuse is inevitable if the purpose is not known, I believe you have been able to know the important and the benefit of spiritual exercise. I pray almighty God will endow you with the spirit and power to be engaging in constant spiritual exercise in Jesus name (Amen).

Spiritual exercises pdf